董事会议纪要- 2014年8月



9:00 a.m.2014年8月2日,星期五



新墨西哥科技理事会上午9点开会.m.,与校董会合作 主席Richard N. 木匠主持. 其他出席的董事会成员包括摄政王杰瑞 Armijo, 丽晶 Debra Hicks, 丽晶 Deborah Peacock, and Student 丽晶 Israel Rodriguez-Rios. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

1. 会议通知证明. 会议于上午9点开始.m. 由主席 Carpenter after the 总统 affirmed that proper legal notice had been given.

2. 批准议程. 主席宣布,今后每月一次 Financial Analysis should be listed as an action item, rather than information. 的 Agenda was approved unanimously as presented on a motion by 摄政孔雀 and a second 来自摄政Armijo.

3. 分钟.  的 分钟 from the May 9, 2014 meeting were unanimously approved on 一项是瑞金特·阿米霍的动议,另一项是瑞金特·希克斯的动议.

4. 公告.

登记更新.  总统 洛佩兹 noted that fall enrollment will be flat or slightly ahead of last 一年. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming added that historically, the University loses some 40 支付申请人. 的 residence halls are full, and completion of renovations to 总统s 霍尔将再增加50张床位,使床位总数接近800张. 去年, 这所大学有99%的入住率. 总统大厅获得了证书 经过一次非常成功的翻新,入住率达到了10%. 绅士. 1939年的建筑 上次翻修是在20世纪80年代. 即使有了新的家具和设备,这个项目 在1美元内完成.500万预算. Mr. 伊达尔戈愿意给瑞金特 下次见面时参观一下.

资金的公式. 的 总统 said the funding formula process is progressing, after a succession of meetings with key agency representatives, including the Director of Higher Education, 他们都开始明白这个问题的复杂性. 他预期 a consensus by mid-October, when the formula will be presented to the Legislative 财政委员会.

策略规划更新.  的 Strategic Planning Committee has met every two weeks since last November, and 按计划,该项目将于年底完工. Jaramillo-Fleming, 最初的25人委员会现在分成了更小的社区. Dr. 桑尼菲尔德, a committee member, noted that the groups are trying to be innovative and focused, 这个过程正在向前推进. 战略计划就是这样,一个计划而不是一个计划 a budget document, added the 总统; it is intended to provide direction and focus 在一段时间内.

新的资金要求.  Converting Jones Hall into a Mechanical Engineering center would require some $5- to $6 million for a complete renovation of what 总统 洛佩兹 called “a dysfunctional 建筑.” 的 University also may ask for one-time maintenance funding for landscaping; 不过,他指出,资本融资今年不是一个大问题. 接着是一个 discussion on reasons for the success of ag亚游集团App下载’s ME program. 原因之一是 cited was the opportunity for students to work on design projects during both their junior and senior 一年s; team projects, active recruitment, and faculty involvement. Also cited was the effect of MythBusters in attracting students to explosives research.

部分支付游戏赤字. Prefacing his report with the caveat that final totals have yet to be tabulated, the 总统 announced that EMRTC has reduced its debt by over $100万年 over the past 一年, and he is optimistic the division will completely erase it.

新研究生学位.  总统 洛佩兹 noted that the University is in the early stages of a lengthy process to develop two new graduate degree programs employing the life sciences and engineering 学科. Dr. 罗梅罗指出,正在讨论的问题之一是联合 appointment between the Biology Department and another department, as yet to be determined.

成功的计划.  的 总统 said he has begun planning for his retirement at the end of June 2016 by identifying younger individuals who could move into more senior positions, in easing 向前过渡. 他将在向理事会提交的目标报告中详细说明这个问题 2014年.

休假.  Dr. 12月,他通知董事会,允许他休假. 安德斯·约根森, 电子工程副教授.

教师参议院.  Dr. Sonnenfeld noted that the faculty report presented to the Board at last 一年’s retreat was not updated for this 一年, adding that positive developments have unfolded, 包括改善校园停车. 其他进展:1)一个新的职位已经出现 authorized for the Psychology Department; and 2) Improved processes, improved transparency. 他挑出了博士。. Dezember for her help, adding that he will step down at the September 担任主席两年之后的会议.

其他.  总统洛佩兹宣布他和奥巴马先生. 亚当斯讨论了一项澄清的决议 that proceeds from the Charles Headen estate transfer to the Foundation rather than ,从而使这一过程更有效率. 主席问 提议的决议将在九月的会议上提出. 同样在九月 the 总统’s Golf Tournament, for which more volunteers are needed to help run 比赛和寻找额外的团队球员的赞助.  关于 to Bond Issue C, which if passed, would provide the funds for construction of the 化学建筑.  大学员工不能积极争取通过 the Bond or expend state funds in support of the Bond issue in November; however, 摄政王被鼓励为法案的通过进行游说. 此外,ag亚游集团App下载也有 been tagged as the lead university for an independent review of the WIPP facility 在卡尔斯巴德,在1美元以下.600万美元的提案通过了州国会代表团. 将宣布一系列公开会议. 总统引用了埃斯帕诺拉本地人的话 Giovanni Luchetti, an NMT alumnus now working on a major medical patent as a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford, as an example of the quality of students at the University. Ms. 贾拉米罗-弗莱明向布朗博士发起了友好的挑战. 罗梅罗代表最佳分区 今年49人队游行中的花车.

公众意见.  没有一个.

2014年6月学位授予.  ag亚游集团App下载在2009年授予了9个学位 2014年6月.

2014年6月财务分析.  Mr. Marquez报告的收入为41美元.100万年 2014年是38美元.2013年的预算为800万美元,支出为36美元.600万 $35.600万. 收取的学杂费超过了去年的总和 by $569,067. 管理费用收入比去年增加了694,657美元.

博士晋升为正教授. 苏Bilek.  Dr. 12月提前举行董事会议 考虑为博士晋升为正教授. 比莱克在E区&ES部门. 丽晶 希克斯请求批准. 摄政王皮科克附议,议案全票通过.

基本建设项目/五年设施计划.  大学的五年计划是 updated, with the renovation of Jones Hall moving to the top of the priority list, 然后是MRO. Dr. 罗梅罗通知董事会副总统即将来访 at the University of Chicago who is involved with the new telescope project in Chile. Dr. Romero will invite his visitors to tour the MRO mountain-top facility.

10. 获奖通知.  董事们被要求查阅他们的会议笔记 此信息项的详细信息.

11. 财产项目决议,参考NMSA 1978. Mr. 马尔克斯介绍了以下内容 决议. 140802-01, to remove worn-out or obsolete property under $5,000: 丽晶 孔雀移动请求批准. 希克斯摄政王附议,一致通过. 140802-02, to remove worn-out or obsolete property over $5,000: 摄政Armijo moved for approval. 摄政王皮科克附议,议案全票通过. 140802-03,要拆卸 侵占价值超过5000美元的房产:摄政王希克斯申请批准. 摄政Armijo 附议,一致通过. 140802-04,拆装拆装 property under $5,000: 丽晶 希克斯请求批准, followed by a motion from 摄政孔雀. 动议全票通过。.

12. 退休状态申请.  Dr. 12月提交董事会批准退休资格 以下五位教员. 肯特·康迪,E&ES; Dr. Steve Shaffer, Math; Mr. Barry Sabol, Physics Laboratory; Dr. 宋宗伟,CS&E; Dr. 约翰·威尔逊,E&ES. 丽晶 罗德里格斯-里奥斯提议授予这五人荣誉退休资格. 摄政Armijo表示赞同 这一动议获得了一致通过.

13. 设置2014 - 2015年会议日历. Ms. 加西亚协助董事们安排会议 为了来年. 除非另有说明,所有会议都在索科罗举行. 2014年, 日期:9月. 10月9日,. 11月16日及11月. (卡尔斯巴德,暂定). 2015年的日期如下:  2月. 6日(圣达菲)、3月13日(圣达菲)、4月12日和5月8日.

14. 个别董事会成员意见.  摄政王希克斯举了一些例子, contacts can be helpful to students; i.e.,一名学生获得了与 德克/ Perich /萨巴蒂. 她还感谢瑞金特·皮科克(摄政孔雀)主持了“一次伟大的旅行”。 在静修期间. 利金特·皮科克反过来对卡彭特主席表示感谢 和他的妻子莱斯利,感谢他们的热情款待. 丽晶 Rodriguez-Rios感谢Dr. Dezember 她作为临时V.P. 学术事务. 摄政王阿米霍提到了一个数字 of topics in his remarks, including the transfer of funds from the Headen estate to the Foundation, and the earning potential of the corpus for student scholarships. 他称这次撤退是“我们经历过的最好的撤退之一”.注意到几个摄政王 terms will expire at the end of the 一年, 摄政Armijo cited the experience, institutional knowledge and professional credentials of the current Board, and how these qualities 为学校服务得很好吗. 最后,总统向董事们通报了他的 meeting with two principals of the Starr Foundation, and his efforts to secure funding 用于学生参加比赛.

15. 新业务.  没有一个.

16. 员工福利信托.  董事会于上午10时50分休会.m. 作为利益相关者召开会议 信任. Mr. 马尔克斯报告说信托基金在上午10点53分停工.m.

休会. With no need for items 17 and 18, and there being no further business to bring before the Board, Chairman Carpenter adjourned the meeting at 10:54 a.m.




